Mosolytervezés - Smile Design

Empress porcelain crown

Veneers can be made of pressed ceramics as well, for the same reason as the Noritake aesthetic porcelain veneer ones – to change the shape/size/colour of the front teeth. It can be made onto root canal treated teeth as it can conceal the discoloured stump, or it is recommended to those with an overlapping bite or when a greater resistance/hardness is needed. Beautiful veneers can be made of pressed ceramics that imitate the natural teeth perfectly, increasing the patient’s self confidence and creating a perfect smile. During the Empress veneers’ creation time (about a week), temporary veneers can be created if needed. Because of the fiber content of the pressed ceramic material beautiful, translucent veneers can be made but they are not recommended for highly discoloured teeth as it can be easily noticeable through the veneers. The comparison table of metal-free ceramic crowns is available at the reception.

Empress porcelain veneer

Full ceramic crown, the only difference from Noritake crown is its material. The stump needs to be shoulder-prepared as well, its aesthetics is also beautiful, and it suits the front teeth the best as well. Bridge can be also made of it, only to replace one tooth (so the bridge is made of three partials). It’s harder than the Noritake crown and its production is different as these kind of ceramics are pressed on high pressure while calcinations. The hardness of Empress 2 pressure-ceramic crown is due to this technique. Through the preparation, 0.7-1mm tooth material needs to be removed from the surface of the tooth (as the molecules of this ceramic are larger and thicker). Empress is more resistant to fracture, it is recommended to those with stronger bite (although it isn’t completely safe when someone has a very powerful bite). It is possible to create pressed-ceramic crown onto a root canal treated tooth: it covers the discoloured stump (if it is not too discoloured) and it is very aesthetical due to its high fibre contents, there is no obvious grey edge, and no metal allergy occurs. The Empress 2 pressure-ceramic crown is slightly harder than the natural tooth enamel, therefore more difficult to break, but it wears out the opposite teeth a bit more. Another advantage of the Empress crown that its life-span is very-long and it’s crack-free (it is recommended to those doing martial arts if using adequate teeth protectors). The comparison table of metal free ceramic crowns is available at the reception.

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Fogászat Szigethalom

Fogorvos Szigethalom