Mosolytervezés - Smile Design

Nobel Replace CC implant screw

The two-piece implant of Nobel Replace CC is one of the leading products of dental implants, mainly due to the specially designed and formed body of the implant, its special thread and large surface. The shape is similar to the natural root of a tooth and the thread cuts the way through the bone to ensure the implant’s primary stability. The surface of the implant is made rough – nano-sized gaps are deliberately formed on it to multiply the surface that the bone can grow onto. The screw-thread is cut three times that provides the advantage that the screw cuts itself into the bone three times harder, and it compresses the bone around itself to ensure much greater stability. At the bottom of the cylinder there is not one but three special gaps are formed to lead out the bone shaving and there is also a hole formed inside the screw for the same purpose. Because the screw creases bone underneath itself, it can ossificated from that side, further enhancing stability. Due to the above Nobel Replace CC implants ossificate 95-99% successfully and patients almost never lose these implants. Compared to Straumann surface-active implants, Nobel Replace CC implants don’t need to be surface-active because their design eliminates the ossification defects. However with Nobel Replace CC implants it is necessary to wait until the 3-6 months healing time finishes, because the growing of bone-cells is not accelerated as it is with Straumann implants. Thus, both implant types have their pros and cons. Generally the dentist can see which implant is the best to use under the given circumstances, therefore please ask for your dentist’s advice before you make your decision between the implants. After the implantation we sew the gum above the implant and leave it to heal for 3-6 months. In the second surgical phase we re-open the gum and remove the healing screw replacing it with the implant head screw that later will wear the crown or bridge on it. We re-stitch the gum around the implant head and place the gum-forming screw on it that will determine the shape of the gum to make it look like around natural teeth. This is followed by the preparation of the crown/bridge which will be made in the dental laboratory based on the imprint we create.

Nobel Replace CC implant zirconium crown

Most commonly we create zirconium crowns to apply on Nobel Replace CC implants, because currently this is the best material used to make crowns. The crowns are a bit cheaper than bridges, as they don’t require as much material as bridges. These are made in the dental laboratory in a week time. The two-piece implant of Nobel Replace CC Dental is one of the leading products of dental implants, mainly due to the specially designed and formed body of the implant, its special thread and large surface. The shape is similar to the natural root of a tooth and the thread cuts the way through the bone to ensure the implant’s primary stability. The surface of the implant is made rough – nano-sized gaps are deliberately formed on it to multiply the surface that the bone can grow onto. The screw-thread is cut three times that provides the advantage that the screw cuts itself into the bone three times harder, and it compresses the bone around itself to ensure much greater stability. At the bottom of the cylinder there is not one but three special gaps are formed to lead out the bone shaving and there is also a hole formed inside the screw for the same purpose. Because the screw creases bone underneath itself, it can ossificated from that side, further enhancing stability. Please see the comparison table of implant types at our reception.

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Fogorvos Budapest