Mosolytervezés - Smile Design

Partial CrCo (metal) denture with acrylic cover

The main difference between these partial dentures and the ones with acrylic baseplate is that the baseplate of these ones is cast metal. This is a very thin metal sheet which is hard to break, it has no aging effect (not like plastic), easy to keep it clean, thus it will not smell. It is not sensitive to the effects of chewing forces, so it may be advisable to those with powerful masticatory muscle. The anchorage is also cast metal built together with the metal baseplate. These clips are strong, they don’t bend and hard to break. The disadvantage of these dentures is if they are placed in the frontal area, they are visible, in this case they are not recommended. A fixed, permanently attached bridge can be applied on the remaining teeth and on this a little hump can be created by the technicians which the clips can perfectly anchoraged onto.

It’s recommended to have the lower partial denture’s baseplate created of metal because the bottom teeth are exposed to stronger chewing forces, therefore the acrylic ones can break easier. The advantage of the metal ones that they don’t break, don’t become porous, they are easy to keep clean so they will not smell. The clips are cast together with the baseplate, providing a safe anchorage without the risk of bending or breaking. If a partial denture with metal baseplate is placed in the frontal area shouldn’t be a problem aesthetically as these areas are less visible for the majority of people, so the clips will not be visible

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Fogászat Szigethalom

Fogorvos Szigethalom