Mosolytervezés - Smile Design

Professional prevention consultation (via e-mail or in person)

On demand our colleagues advise you on how to prevent various dental diseases such as dental caries, periodontal diseases, jaw-joint disorders, sinus pains, etc. We answer your specific questions and explain concepts that are not clear for you, in e-mail or in person – free of charge. In our prevention programme we are not only about to cure but to prevent. If you are interested in this, we are happy to see you and answer your questions. Through the consultation we will focus on the importance of oral hygiene and – depending on the patient’s dental problems – we address the specific details. If you haven’t got specific questions we explain the most common dental problems and their prevention. If you or your family member would like to have a personal consultation session, please book it at the reception. We also reply your e-mails in about two working days.

Precursory status check and personalised treatment plan (by reconstructive and tooth-saving approach)

Every new patient in our dentistry are going through a dental health check. This means the check of the soft tissue and oral bones – besides the check of the teeth. The patient and the dentist fill in a questionnaire together before the check up, to see if the patient has any disease that may interact with the dental materials used during the treatment or that may cause dental disease. Then they have a conversation when the dentist explains the process of the expected treatment, and a panoramic x-ray is going to be made (by a Kodak x-ray camera) to check the inflammatory status and for cancer screening purposes. Depending on the dentist there is a possibility to make 3D impressions/photos of the teeth in order to create more exact plans – if the patient agrees. It’s easier to plan the treatment of the biting disorder after studying the 3D impression in hand. Only the teeth will appear on the photo, the other details will be shown only if they need to be significantly modified through the treatment – this helps to create the diagnosis and the treatment plan. The patient can explain through the conversation what would be his/her request and the dentist can tell how can the job be performed aesthetically and functionally. After the discussion the patient will receive an individualised treatment plan (that is also a quote) based on his/her dental status via e-mail or in person. The price may change slightly, but the patient will be informed about it well in advance. Some patients are afraid of dental treatments, they would choose extraction rather than treating the problem. In such cases our restoration and tooth-saving approach is very important. To extract the salvaged tooth would be unethical and contrary to the principles of the medical oath. The treatment plan therefore doesn’t contain unreasonable or unnecessary steps. We assure all our patients that they will be informed about all the interventions and the treatments will be as painless as possible.

Regular screening and consultation/control (groups, company groups, school groups)

If you have a dental problem and your treatment was performed on a treatment plan received from us, then your commitment is mandatory to ensure your rights to the guarantee. In order to receive the full guarantee you must comply with a certain requirements which is a six-monthly report to compulsory control testing. We check and can identify if any new diseases appeared and can control and prevent on time of building up of tooth decay, cracks, breakage or losing the fillings/replacements that were paid and fitted. Throughout the examination you can discuss with your dentist what to do further to ensure that the filling/replacement will continue to function properly. You can also give your comments to help your dentist’s job to help you. We also carry out six-monthly group screenings for companies, schools, kindergartens – only for those with a written contract. The screenings need to be booked with us and every participating patient will receive a written document about the status of their teeth and what treatments would be necessary for them. Patients may request for notification about their next check up date via e-mail, text message, phone, etc.

Oral hygiene after-care advices (in e-mail or personally)

Our patients will receive advise on how to clean their new filling, crown, replacement, etc. and what they can eat, drink and how to get used to it. If any problem arises, please ask your dentist/dental hygienist in person or via e-mail or phone. We are very pleased if our patients learn the new tooth rushing technique and/or how to use their new dental equipment(s). Please feel free to contact us with any questions!

© 2012-2021. NiCo Dental

Fogászat Szigethalom

Fogorvos Szigethalom