Mosolytervezés - Smile Design

Captek porcelain crown fused to 24 K galvanised gold

The advantage of the Captek galvanic golden-ceramic (white) crowns is that – similarly to the zirconium-oxide crowns – the frames are made by machine (in this case galvanic battery, by settling the ions of gold onto the model of the stump). This way a thin golden ‘cap’ is created which will be covered by ceramics, layer by layer. For this reason, only single crowns can be made by this method. Additional advantage is its realistic aesthetics, as the golden cap allows the rays through like an original tooth, this why it will give a vibrant, realistic impact on the ceramics. The gold is known of its antibacterial property that prevents bacteria to get grip along the edges of the crown, avoiding caries build-up. We recommend the Captek porcelain crown fused to 24 K galvanised gold as second option right after zirconium ones because of its outstanding beauty, accuracy and other beneficial effects – if the demand is to create single crowns. It causes no allergic reactions, same strong as metal frames but more precise as it is made by machine. It can be applied only on shoulder-prepared teeth, both to incisors or molars. Its only disadvantage is that bridges cannot be formed from galvanic gold, the galvanic battery is only a chemical process, so linking parts need to be created between the parts (or a bridge would be more expensive to create than a zirconium one). At the present state of science though, there is no better material to create bridges from than zirconium, it would be completely pointless to develop galvanic golden-ceramic crowns further.

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