Mosolytervezés - Smile Design

Full acrylic dentures

To those without teeth (usually older people) where there is no choice of implantation, we can provide the condition of mastication by creating a full denture (prosthesis). Full acrylic dentures: the teeth cannot fixed to the spine of the toothless jawbone or to the gum, but the adhesion still need to be sorted out somehow. This can be achieved easily by using a plastic baseplate which covers a part of the palate and the gap defined by the lip, the cheek and the spine of the toothless jawbone, thus sucking itself up to the upper jawbone, providing itself a hard grip and staying in its place. The artificial teeth are fixed in this baseplate, these restore the chewing function, lift up the upper lip and restore the speaking ability. Full acrylic dentures: the baseplate is needed so these functions can work and so the denture will not fall off of the dental area. A creation time of such a prosthesis is about two weeks, the patient has to meet the dentist several time during it, so the trials/tests can be carried out. This denture can be made to the lower toothless jawbone in case if the implementation is not an option (or the patient wouldn’t want it). The procedure is the same as the upper one, so the anchorage is ensured by a plastic baseplate which extends into the slots that will keep the denture in its place. The artificial teeth are built onto this baseplate, so the function of mastication, the ability of speaking and the nice aesthetic look are ensured. With the support of the denture, the lower lip will not fall in, it will not be wrinkled and the speech will not be lisped. The creation time of a lower prosthesis is about two weeks, the patient has to meet the dentist several times during it, so the trials/tests can be carried out.

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