Mosolytervezés - Smile Design

Taking intra-oral x-ray

This type of intra-oral x-ray can be taken of one tooth or two teeth at a time, to confirm the diagnosis. It is usually taken if the panoramic x-ray is not detailed enough around the given area, or before root canal treatment to measure the length of the root(s). It can be also taken to justify or exclude the existence of tooth decay. On demand pre- and post treatment x-rays or series of x-rays can be taken easily and can be printed out or burnt onto a cd. The x-ray sensor of the Kodak RVG 6100 provides excellent picture quality throughout its whole lifetime due to its special fibre-protection. Its benefits why our dentistry chose this appliance are: it doesn’t use film for the picture creation that means we don’t produce harmful substances to the environment, its images are clearer and contain more information, its exposure range is wider than the traditional ones, and more patient-friendly due to its reduced radiation dose.

Taking panoramic x-ray

An x-ray of the whole mouth that we usually take of every new patients. It shows all the teeth plus the jaw bones and the sinus maxillaris as well as the pathological deformities. The panoramic x-ray can be used as cancer screening as well, because the abnormal, irrelevant formulas are clearly visible on it. Measurements can be done on it and even the teeth can be studied that are still in the bone. We use the Kodak 8000 and 8000C digital appliances which is equipped with CCD radiation defensive sensor, has an extremely HD resolution and reduce the radiation dose by 70%. In addition with digital panoramic x-ray there’s no need to use of a film or chemicals thus reducing the production of substances that are harmful to the environment.

Printing intra-oral pictures

Photos can be easily taken of the inside of the mouth with the intra-oral camera, pre- and/or post treatment. If the patient wishes, even series of photos can be taken through the whole treatment and can be printed out or burnt on a cd. The Kodak 1000 digital intra-oral camera provides professional quality. Its benefits why our dentistry chose this camera are: can easily take photos of any intra-oral parts, can be attached to several dental chairs, it has got many features such as auto focus, zoom, macro, etc.

© 2012-2021. NiCo Dental

Fogászat Szigethalom

Fogorvos Szigethalom