Mosolytervezés - Smile Design

Night resin bite-guard

The night bite guard is a tool used to stop jaw joint disorders; its thickness can be set depending on the problem. For those with slighter clenching/squeezing the 0.4mm thick bite guard is enough, the point here is only to raise the bite thus stretching the muscles. The 0.6-1.0mm thick bite guards are recommended to those with strong clenching. These bite guards cover one of the teeth arches completely, they get created based on an individual imprint in about 1-2 business days. Night bite guards can be created to those patients with several single crowns. It is recommended even if the patient is not clenching, because through the night we are able to generate squeezing forces that are so strong that can make the ceramics break.

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Fogászat Szigethalom

Fogorvos Szigethalom