Mosolytervezés - Smile Design

Non-grinding bridge pressed on a zirconium frame

The non-grinding bridges are very popular nowadays as their purpose to keep the healthy tooth material. In case of using these kind of bridges, the teeth need to be prepared for filling – this way the loss is only about 20-27% and not 70-75% as it would be with grinding. The zirconium-pressed ceramics combination proved to be more durable and aesthetic compared to BelleGlass. Based on our experience we can say that BelleGlass is a very reliable material, its only disadvantage is its fragility due to its high composite content – it could break because stronger chewing. Initially only the edges fracture, but if it gets to the stage when the brace inside comes out it falls apart and grinding needs to be done. It cannot happen to the zirconium frame, it is completely durable and acid-resistant. The aesthetics of these bridges are perfect, thanks to the ceramics pressed on the frame, and it’s plaque-repellent as well. It’s also easy to clean and it won’t get decayed underneath. It is beautiful, it has excellent quality, and comes with long-term warranty because it’s a well-functioning piece. The comparison table of metal-ceramic crowns is available at the reception.

BelleGlass grinding-free aesthetic bridge

This method makes possible to build up the bridge when there is only tooth missing, without grinding down the teeth next to the gap. Small cassettes need to be made on the surface of the teeth that are facing to the gap that means only about 20% loss of those teeth compared to the 70% which is the typical percentage of loss when the teeth are grinded. The BelleGlass is a modified ceramic material, in between the white filling and the normal ceramic. Its advantages are its flexibility and the reduced hardness – these make it similar to the tooth enamel. Another important advantage is that it prevents the tooth from breaking even if there is a big hole in it, thus serving the chewing for long years aesthetically. Due to its reduced resistance, it can be used to replace only one tooth, it isn’t suitable to create bigger bridges, and due to its high fibre content its aesthetics is not the best to use it for front teeth (its colour is a bit greyish because of its transparency). Using it towards the back teeth its colour and especially its function will be more and more appropriate. The BelleGlass bridge is made and applied in two phases. In the first phase we mill the cassettes and remove the decayed parts, using painless anaesthesia. Then we create a precision imprint that goes to the lab where they create the bridge itself in about a week time, while the patient will have temporary fillings in those little holes. In the next phase the BelleGlass grinding-free aesthetic bridge is applied and bonded by a special adhesive that doesn’t modify its colour but gives a safe grip. The comparison table of grinding-free bridge materials is available at the reception.

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Fogászat Szigethalom

Fogorvos Szigethalom