Mosolytervezés - Smile Design

Painless dentistry

In the recent decades the sciences are boosting more and more and this made the pharmaceutical industry and the dental material industry one of the fastest growing sectors. These two industries are meeting in areas of certain drugs and they linked to each other in anaesthetics. As local anaesthetics are very often used in dentistry, the dentists have high expectations from them. The cocaine and its derivatives were the basic drugs used in local anaesthetics, but there were problems with them such as addiction and abuse. Then Novocaine was used that did not develop addiction but it caused allergic reaction to the patients. This why Lidocaine was invented as its synthetic components were anti-allergenic, its effect was longer and deeper and was absorbed easier. This is the most commonly used anaesthetic drug in dentistry, to date. In the recent years there are cases when Lidocaine caused allergic reaction, and there is no doubt that even Ultracaine (that is a more developed and refined version of Lidocaine) will trigger allergic reaction to a certain group of the population. With the quick development of the sciences and the pharmaceutical industry, there was a demand to create a modern anaesthetic injection that’s more effective and causes deeper and faster insensitivity with less side effects. This substance is called Ubistesin/Ubistesin Forte and it’s an articain derivative. This is one of the best anaesthetic to date. Both Ubistesin and the stronger version Ubistesin Forte starts to effect in a few seconds after the injection, they reach their deep effect in about 5 minutes and they are comlpetely eliminated by the body after 1.5 hours. They don’t cause allergic reaction, however they need to be applied carefully with patients allergic to amide/sulphite as there are a few known cross-allergic cases. The Ubistesin uses epinephrine rather than adrenaline to narrow the veins, because epinephrine is a more modern, better controllable substance.This injection really helps to maintain painless dentistry. The injection is very patient- and doctor-friendly as it is sold in a glass cartridge that doesn’t need to be broken in order to dose it. The anaesthetic is injected by using a Carpule syringe, that is sterilisable metal piece. The needles are also very special, the thinnest and most flexible ones of the world, it is absolutely unnoticeable when they are pierced into the mucous membrane. Real painless dentistry can be guaranteed only by using Carpule syringe and the special needles. Modern dentistry = painless dentistry. With this syringe the injection can be easily dosed, it is very easy to support it with the fingers, and also there is no formation of bubbles as the cartridge is hermetically sealed. As a result, the doctor does need to pull back the liquid to check if the needle landed in this case blood appears in the cartridge immediately. At NiCo Dental we use flavoured anaesthetic gel locally before the shot, to make the dentistry not only painless but pleasant as well. If we aroused your interest or you are afraid of needles and painful dentistry, please visit us, we offer a totally painless anaesthesia and dental treatment!

Treating cervical hypersensitivity brushing

In the recent years in the developed countries there’s a noticeable change in the length of keeping of people’s own teeth. This positive change however raises the issue of cervical hypersensitivity and damages to the neck of the teeth. The emerged dental root is no longer covered and protected by the enamel from the erosion-type effects of brushing teeth and the acids of food and drink are enhancing the sensitivity of the dentin canaliculus. This means the patient will have an instant and huge pain from cold/warm/chemical exposure (e.g. acidic beverages). The strength of the pain is in conjunction with the size of the dentin that is emerged. The sensitiveness is growing by a stronger external exposure (e.g. tooth brushing) that makes the patient’s oral hygiene worse. The aim of the treatment is to cover the damaged part of the dentin; to stop the openness of the tubular network that is part of the fabric of the dentin. Special varnishes and so called bonds are used for this purpose what we apply by brushing. The special varnish we use has a high content of fluorine what we apply on the carefully prepared dentin surface and get it dried. The fluorine molecules are sealing the tubulars, thereby stopping the cervical sensitivity. Like all kinds of vanishes, this one wears off after a while, but then the process can be done again. In serious cases, further action may be made to eliminate cervical sensitivity.

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Fogászat Szigethalom

Fogorvos Szigethalom