Mosolytervezés - Smile Design

Partial CrCo (metal) denture with hidden anchorage

The hidden anchorage is better than the wire clip, especially with the upper arch, because it’s not visible and because it provides a better grip, however it can be applied only above a certain number of existing teeth otherwise it could twist the teeth out of the bone. The hidden parts are fixed just like the key in the keyhole: one part (patrix) is embedded in the bonded bridge, the other part (matrix) is fixed to the removable section. The baseplate must be made of metal when using hidden anchorage or else it cannot be created. (The fixing piece is an extra cost on top of the price of the metal baseplate.) The remaining teeth (at least 2 on the right and 2 on the left from the center) will get a permanently glued bridge, so these teeth have to be fully functional ones, they have to be unmoveable. The hidden anchorage may be beneficial for lower partial dentures with metal baseplate if there is a need to keep the denture strongly in place with the remaining teeth. It is effective in case of atrophied chin-bone (negative spine) or if there is an upper partial denture with hidden anchorage as well or if there is a fixed metal-ceramic bridge. (The fixing piece is an extra cost on top of the price of the metal baseplate.) A lower partial denture with hidden anchorage can be made only if there are at least 2 fully functional teeth on the right side and 2 on the left side (from the middle line). These teeth will be connected with a bridge and on this the linking parts for the hidden anchorages will be formed and the matrixes in the denture will fit in these like keys in the lock.

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Esztétikai Fogászat Budapest
Fogorvos Budapest