Mosolytervezés - Smile Design

Splinting with Construct on the back side

Splinting can be used on molar teeth as well (using the same strengthening fiber braid as with the front teeth). If there are molar teeth that are still well embedded in the bone and that are staying firmly, then the less stable ones get glued to these, giving an opportunity for their ossification. However the patient will wear the splinting forever, the gluing is final, it cannot be removed. The patient has to learn to live with this and to clean the teeth regularly (especially around the splinting), and also to learn to chew and speak again with it.

Splinting with Construct on the front side

Splinting with Construct fiber is usually applied on the front teeth for those with periodontitis when the patient doesn’t want them to be removed. In this case they get connected/combined with a strengthening fiber braid and glued together, to stop them moving and make them stand firmly in place. This way in one block they won’t move as much and there’s more chance for ossification and longer life.

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Fogászat Szigethalom

Fogorvos Szigethalom