Mosolytervezés - Smile Design

Temporary denture after tooth extraction or implantation

After the removal of the remaining teeth, the jawbone (or both) will be completely toothless. The function of chewing and an aesthetics look must be provided though through the recovery time, so in these cases a temporary prosthesis is made to fulfill these tasks. The same prosthesis can be used after the first phase of the implantation, through the time of the ossification.

Temporary mini-denture after 1 tooth implantation

After removing one tooth or for the healing time after an implantation, we can create a temporary prosteshis with only one artificial tooth that gets fixed on its adjacent teeth with pink plactic clips. It is removable and it has to be cleaned every night before sleep so plaque will not build up underneath. If a one-piece implant is implanted then there is no need of such a prosthesis with one tooth since a temporary crown get applied on top of the one-piece implant.

Temporary mini-denture after 2 teeth implantation

If two adjacent teeth need to be removed then we create a temporary removable prosthesis with two artificial teeth to be used through the healing time. This is very similar to a usual prosthesis and it is fixed to the adjacent teeth by plastic clips. It is also ideal to be used through the ossification time, but it needs to be taken out and cleaned every night as well as the area underneath.

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